Contact | Manufacturer of Resistive | PCAP Touch Screen | PenMount Touch Screen Controller - AMT

In addition to our headquarters based in Taiwan and subsidiary in the U.S. and China, AMT also has distributors in Europe and East Asia. We offer timely and effective before and after-sales support services to customers worldwide.Detailed contact information can be found in this section. We look forward to being of service. Certified resistive, projected capacitive (PCAP) touch screens and PenMount touch screen controllers meeting international standards, ISO, UL E331240-A1-UL, REACH, and RoHS. All touch screen products are supplied with flexible production quantity and long term support.


AMT Taiwan Headquarters

AMT Taiwan Headquarters


In addition to our headquarters based in Taiwan and subsidiary in the U.S. and China, AMT also has distributors in Europe and East Asia. We offer timely and effective before and after-sales support services to customers worldwide. Detailed contact information can be found in this section. We look forward to being of service.

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AMT now having our social media channel on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and WeChat! We will release the latest product information, breakthroughs, social responsibility events, etc. ,on our sociel media.

We urge you to follow AMT's social media to stay informed on our updates!

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    Mission & Vision
    Mission & Vision

    AMT is dedicated to quality. AMT's unique value lies in its ability to fulfill the diverse needs of customers.

    Environmental & Energy Policy
    Environmental & Energy Policy

    AMT is committed to environmental conservation and the perpetuation of green energy.

    Quality Certification
    Quality Certification

    AMT has obtained ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 13485: 2016, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001:2018, UL, REACH, and RoHS certifications.